

  • Double Heyting Algebras, PhD thesis (2018) [download]


  • Splittings in varieties of logic. International Journal of Algebra and Computation (2021) 31:4. [link]
  • Expansions of dually pseudocomplemented Heyting algebras: discriminator varieties. Studia Logica. (2017). [link]
  • Discriminator varieties of double-Heyting algebras. Reports on mathematical logic. (2016) 51:3. [link]
  • Algebras of incidence structures: representations of regular double p-algebras. Algebra Univers. (2016) 76:479. [link]

Selected presentations

  • The Banach-Tarski Theorem. Q Society, June 2023. [slides]
  • Semisimple varieties. General Algebra Seminar, La Trobe University, November 2019. [slides]
  • Double Heyting algebras vs. Boolean algebras with operators. General Algebra Seminar, La Trobe University, October 2019.[slides]
  • Arithmetisation of computation. Q Society, June 2019.[slides]
  • Constructible Numbers and Origami. GY Seminar, La Trobe University, May 2019. [slides]
  • Cusps. Q Society, May 2018. [slides]
  • Regular double p-algebras. General Algebra Seminar, La Trobe University, April 2018. [slides]
  • Filters and ideals in double-Heyting algebras. General Algebra Seminar, La Trobe University, September 2017.[slides]
  • Splittings in the variety of dually pseudocomplemented Heyting algebras. General Algebra Seminar, La Trobe University, May 2017.[slides]
  • Fun and games with ordinals. Q Society, April 2016. [slides]
  • Expansions of dually pseudocomplemented Heyting algebras. 60th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Australian National University, Canberra, 2016. [slides]
  • Expansions of dually pseudocomplemented Heyting algebras. 34th Victorian Algebra Conference, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2016. [slides]
  • Algebraic logic. 5th La Trobe SEMS Research Workshop, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2016. [slides]
  • Algebras of hypergraphs. Local seminar at The University of Cagliari, Italy, 2016. [slides]
  • Dually pseudocomplemented Heyting algebras: discriminator varieties. Syntax Meets Symantics Kick-off Conference, Universitat De Barcelona, Spain, 2016. [slides]
  • Heyting algebras with operators. Universal Structures in Mathematics and Computing, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2016. [slides]
  • Algebras of incidence structures. 39th Australasian Conference on Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing, University of Queensland, Brisbane, 2015. [slides]
  • Algebras of incidence structures: representing regular double p-algebras. 59th Annual Meeting of the Australian Mathematical Society, Flinders University, Adelaide, 2015. [slides]
  • Algebras of incidence structures: representing regular double p-algebras. 33rd Victorian Algebra Conference, Western Sydney University, Sydney, 2015. [slides]
  • Discriminator varieties of double-Heyting algebras. 5th Algebra and Substructural Logics Workshop, La Trobe University, Melbourne, 2014. [slides]
  • Discriminator varieties of double-Heyting algebras. 8th Australia and New Zealand Mathematics Convention, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2014. [slides]
  • Discriminator varieties of double-Heyting algebras. 32nd Victorian Algebra Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, 2014. [slides]
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